Gifts of this nature provide for healthcare goods and services long into the future, providing the future residents of the community, including the donor's personal descendant's, stable and secure healthcare through time.
These gifts, in addition to providing continuation of the donors wishes, provides tax benefits such as:
Appreciated property (securities/ real estate) receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the asset, and pay no capital gains tax on the transfer.
Life-income gifts receive a tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the assets contributed, minus the present value of the income interest retained.
Gifts made of appreciated property pay no upfront capital gains tax on the transfer.
Gifts payable to charity upon the donor’s death, like a bequest or a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy or retirement account, do not generate a lifetime income tax deduction for the donor, but they are exempt from estate tax.
The Moore County Health Foundation would be honored to help create your legacy.
To begin your Estate planning journey, contact Kathie Fuston at (806) 934-7811.
Moore County Health Foundation
PO Box 782 Dumas TX 79029
Copyright © 2025 Moore County Health Foundation - All Rights Reserved.